Friday, May 21, 2010

If Silence had a Voice

some times i may not speak ,

some times i may not argue ,

sometimes i simply ignore the people around !

...thats wen i talk wid my silent companion ..



if silence had a voice ,

it would speak

why calmly we walk the path

and solace is seeked

we face hardships , joys , and wounderful things

but still its destiny ..the mother of gift .

why our emotions outrun our mind ,

heart controlling our deeds ,

why one shoulder is needed ,

and silently we weep .


one finger is needed to show us the path


one companion is sufficient to complete most difficult task .

why some questions are never asked

and a few lucky answers are never heard

a few spoken words ..forgotten

and some vivid memories ... had fun

silently we reached this stage of our life

and as a look back ... i am taken by surprise

a new day comes ,

ever since i saw the first sunrise ,

and patiently i hear

the silence making me wise


to the most wounderful Person,
that i came across in my life